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Who and Where are Your Customers

Tue, Jan 14 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

The library has resources to help you start and grow your business. Data Axle Reference Solutions, an online directory of millions of United States companies, can be used to find out who your competitors are, get valuable information for deciding on a business location, find customers if you are selling B2B, and more. If you are selling to people and want to know how many or where those potential customers are, then using Simply Analytics, will give you statistics and demographic information. Your taxes have allowed the library to provide these valuable resources for no additional cost, attend this hands-on workshop to learn how to use them to succeed in your business.

Speaker: Mimi Curlee, Market Research Expert


Co-Sponsor(s): Session is presented in partnership with the Women's Business Center of Charlotte. Registrant information will be collected by both entities.

Fee: No Cost