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Small Business Owner Evolution: Work-Life Balance

Tue 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Do you worry about being stretched too thin? Do you feel like there is never enough time to do it all? Are you exhausted and worn out from all that’s on your plate? You’re not alone! Managing all the demands and priorities on our time can prove to be overwhelming. However, to be effective, we need strategies that will help balance our multiple roles. Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to: Identify key activities at work and at home. Recognize behavior habits that sabotage balance. Learn assertive communication skills to negotiate priorities. Develop strategies to achieve work-life balance Learn the importance in Goal Setting and Prioritizing Discover how to set up a realistic and practical action plan to help you strike a balance between work and life

Speaker(s): Rita Matthews

Pre-registration by 5pm on 2/24 recommended. The Zoom link will be sent by email the morning of 2/25/20. If you have not logged into Zoom before please allow 10-15 minutes to launch the program.

Fee: No Cost