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Davidson-Davie CC Small Business Center

Phone: 336-224-4583

Click here for a map of our location

Office Locations:
Davie - Bermuda Run
120 Kinderton Blvd.
Bermuda Run, NC 27006

Davidson - main campus
Mary E. Rittling Conference Center
297 DCC Rd.
Thomasville, NC 27360

Always remember to click "Find more events" below to see seminars scheduled throughout the term. To find additional North Carolina tax, Secretary of State and other resource webinars: click here
The best way to contact the SBC is to email or click below to make a request for counseling. Thank you.

Online Request for Counseling


Small Business Center events will run on the same schedule as the college.  Due to inclement weather the campus may be closed.  Please refer to or news channels for closings.  Pre-registered attendees will be notified of any changes.  Thank you for your interest in the Small Business Center at DDCC.

Start-up Assistance

Managing a Business

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Davidson-Davie CC Small Business Center
297 DCCC Road Thomasville, NC 27360