South Piedmont Small Business Center Client Spotlight

Business Name:
Moonglade Travel, LLC

Business Owner: Shanell Varner

Business Website:

Business Start Date: 12/2016

Number of Employees: 2

SBC Services Used: Business Training and Business Counseling

How have the services you received at South Piedmont's Small Business Center contributed to your success? 

I first got connected with SPCC’s Small Business Center when I enrolled in the Launch Unison Program. I signed up for the program to build a foundation for launching a wellness lounge in the Charlotte area. As an existing business owner of a home-based service business, I wanted to enhance my skills and gain the necessary knowledge for running a brick and mortar. From day one, I was immersed in a sea of knowledge, soaking up insights from experts in marketing, legal, and banking. It was like having a dream team of mentors at my fingertips, guiding me through the intricate maze of starting and growing a business. Not only did I meet some incredible entrepreneurs, I was able to get access to tons of invaluable resources and guidance from Launch Unison Program. I’ve also been able to connect with brilliant business counselors through the SPCC’s Small Business Center. When I needed to navigate the murky waters of Human Resources during our expansion phase last year, they were there with invaluable advice and support every step of the way. One of the shining stars in my journey was connecting with Sherese Duncan, SPCC’s SBC Business Counselor and Mastermind Facilitator. Her wisdom and guidance were like a beacon of light, helping me craft a solid business plan and develop winning strategies for my boutique travel company. Plus, being part of the Mastermind Group provided additional resources, support, and accountability from fellow business owners. SPCC’s Small Business Center has truly equipped me with the tools and network I needed to turn my entrepreneurial dreams into reality and unleash my big and bold goals for my business.

Business Pitch: At Moonglade Travel, our mission is to redefine the concept of travel, inspiring individuals to embark on journeys that enrich the soul and nourish the mind. We are dedicated to connecting our clients to experiences that help them connect, learn, and grow. Through consulting, coaching, custom travel planning, and curated journeys, we’re educating our clients on the essence of meaningful travel, guiding them beyond superficial experiences to discover the depth of cultural immersion and self-care that lies beneath the surface.

What lessons have you learned while running your business, and how have they contributed to your success? Please share advice you have for other aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.

One of the most important lessons is the power of resilience. In the face of challenges and setbacks, resilience has been my guiding force, allowing me to persevere and in the words of my grandmother, ‘keep pressing forward’. Additionally, I’ve learned the importance of adaptability. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and being able to pivot and adapt to change is crucial for long-term success, the pandemic taught me this. Lastly, I’ve learned the significance of building strong relationships and fostering a supportive community. Surrounding myself with mentors, collaborators, and loyal customers has been instrumental in overcoming obstacles and achieving my goals. For aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners, my advice is to embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Every setback is a chance to grow and improve. Stay open-minded, and don’t be afraid to seek guidance from mentors or peers. Lastly, remember to take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being. Running a business can be demanding, so make self-care a priority to ensure you have the energy and resilience to tackle any challenges that come your way.

Is your business thriving with the help of the Small Business Center?
Tell Us so we can celebrate YOU!

Updated 3/27/2024 7:04:15 PM | rhode