South Piedmont Small Business Center Client Spotlights

Business Name:
Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post
Business Owner: Cissy Watkins
Business Website:
Business Start Date: 1/2019
Number of Employees: 3

SBC Services Used: Business Training and Business Counseling

How have the services you received at South Piedmont's Small Business Center contributed to your success? 

The services I received at SPCC's Small Business Center were instrumental in driving the success of my business, Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post. Here are some specific ways they contributed to my journey: Business Growth Plan Development: The "Level Up Your Business" class helped me create a comprehensive three-year business plan, which is crucial for my store's strategic growth. This plan includes clear goals, financial projections, and strategies for expanding services. Enhanced Customer Engagement: I learned the importance of checking and responding to Google Reviews, which has significantly improved my customer engagement and satisfaction. This new approach has led to more positive reviews and increased customer loyalty. Presentation Skills: The class prepared me to present my business growth plan effectively to class participants and business leaders. This experience boosted my confidence in public speaking and pitching my business to potential investors and partners. Understanding Business Dynamics: Despite my 19 years of experience with a successful cleaning business, the insights gained from SPCC highlighted the unique strategies required for running a store like Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post. The training provided a fresh perspective on business operations and management. Networking Opportunities: The summit focused on the 'Power of Networks and AI' rekindled my interest in leveraging networks to grow my business. I connected with other entrepreneurs and business leaders, opening doors for collaboration and new business opportunities. Digital Integration: Preparing a 30-second pitch for a digital app idea was a significant milestone. This app will allow my customers to see their mail when it arrives and communicate with my store, enhancing convenience and customer service. Overall, the support from SPCC's Small Business Center has been life-changing for my business. It provided the knowledge, skills, and confidence to elevate Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post to new heights!

Business Pitch: At Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post, we are more than just a shipping store—we are a community hub where hope resides. Our business offers a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers, including: Shipping Services: We provide reliable and efficient shipping through FedEx, DHL, and USPS, UPS ensuring your packages reach their destinations on time. Mailboxes: We offer both in-store and digital mailboxes, giving customers secure and convenient options for receiving their mail. Printing Services: From standard printing to specialized services like blueprint printing for construction companies, we cover all your printing needs. Notary Services: Our certified notaries are available to handle all your document notarization needs. We also offer traveling notary services for customers who are unable to visit our store. Fax Services: We provide fast and reliable fax services to help you send important documents securely. Concierge Service: Our concierge service ensures there’s no waiting in line. Customers can drop off their items and pay later, offering a convenient and time-saving solution. Our mission is to empower, encourage, and elevate individuals by fostering a belief mindset, enabling them to evolve and achieve their dreams. We go beyond traditional services by providing assistance with life challenges, such as tech support, and creating a supportive community environment. At Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post, we believe in the power of hope and community. Our dedicated team, including our four legged friendly greeter Jaxon, is here to serve you with a smile and ensure you have a positive and uplifting experience every time you visit.

What lessons have you learned while running your business, and how have they contributed to your success? Please share advice you have for other aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners.

Running Cissy's Indian Trail Pack N Post has been a journey filled with valuable lessons that have significantly contributed to our success. Here are some key lessons I've learned and the advice I have for other aspiring entrepreneurs. Lessons Learned:
Adaptability is Crucial: The business landscape is constantly changing, and being able to adapt to new circumstances is essential. Whether it's adjusting to market demands or embracing new technologies, flexibility has allowed us to stay relevant and meet our customers' needs effectively.
Customer Engagement is Key: Engaging with customers and responding to their feedback, especially through Google Reviews, has been transformative. It has helped us improve our services and build strong, loyal relationships with our clients. Always listen to your customers and value their input.
Networking and Community Building: Building a network of support within the business community and fostering strong relationships with customers has been invaluable. Networking opens up opportunities for collaboration and growth. Being a part of a supportive community can provide the resources and encouragement needed to overcome challenges.
Continuous Learning: Taking classes, such as the "Level Up Your Business" course at SPCC, has expanded my knowledge and skills. Continuous learning is vital for personal and business growth. Stay curious, seek out educational opportunities, and be open to new ideas.
Effective Time Management: Managing time efficiently is critical for balancing the various aspects of running a business. Prioritize tasks, delegate when necessary, and make sure to set aside time for strategic planning.
Embrace Technology: Leveraging technology, like our upcoming digital app for mailbox services, has streamlined operations and enhanced customer experience. Embrace technological advancements that can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
Believe in Your Vision: Stay true to your ministry and vision. Your passion and belief in what you do will drive you forward, even during challenging times. I believe that as business owners, this is our ministry to the world. Plan and Prepare: Develop a solid business plan with clear goals and strategies. Preparation and foresight are key to navigating the complexities of running a business. Stay Resilient: Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster with highs and lows. Stay resilient, learn from setbacks, and keep pushing forward. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger.
Seek Support: Don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether it's from mentors, business advisors, or networking groups, support systems are crucial for success.
Prioritize Customer Experience: Always put your customers first. Exceptional customer service can set you apart from competitors and build lasting loyalty.

Check out more client spotlights below. If you benefited from our services let us know so we can feature you!

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Shanell Varner, CEO
Moonglade Travel 
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Updated 6/10/2024 7:37:15 PM | rhode