Income Tax Basics for Small Business Owners & Self Employed Individuals (Live Online)
Income Tax Basics for Small Business Owners & Self Employed Individuals In this course you will learn: 1) How business activity is reported and taxed- Including solopreneurs & gig workers 2) How your entity structure effects your tax bill – understand the differences for LLC’s, partnerships and corporations or if you need to form one 3) How to maximize your business deductions & stay in legal compliance 4) How to minimize self-employment tax and keep more money in your pocket – it’s 30%! 5) How to keep records to avoid audit pitfalls – debunking common misconceptions 6) How to set expectations and communicate better with your tax preparer
Speaker(s): Amanda Chestnut, J.D. ABA Business Advisor & Tax Strategist Founder, Money Mastery LLC
This will be a live webinar presented through Zoom. Meeting and access information for this webinar will be available upon registration & a registration reminder will be provided via email. If you need assistance, please call 910-755-7498.
Fee: No Cost