How Small Business Centers Can Use the Web & Social Media to Market Their Services
This training, developed for Small Business Center Directors, is to enhance and update their Web and social media marketing knowledge for more effective marketing of SBC programs and services. Topics Included: • How to build easy websites including WordPress and other content management sites. • Making sure your website has an easy page to go to for all classes, consistently maintaining the same URL; where participants can always find the latest classes and information. • Generating key word driven content that attracts small businesses to your programs and classes. • Implementing Social Media links to your website for student engagement. • How to build up a following on social media platforms. • Building alliances with numerous groups in your community to assist in getting the word out about your programs. • Deciding which social media platforms will best benefit your school, aligned with existing time and resources. Utilizing Facebook and Twitter to let people know what is available and also drawing them in with educational content. • Using the intros and closings of each event to gain more participants for future events. • Working with outside presenters to get their help in building greater awareness of courses being taught. • Contributing content that helps market the entire SBC program to students and keeps it top of mind with legislators. • Utilizing your LinkedIn profile to attract more participants to the program. • Having a press kit for media to pick up; making press releases blogger-friendly. • Introducing Google Plus and Google Local as tools to expand your online presence, search-ability, and for facilitation of web-based meetings. • Producing video content to retain existing participants and draw in new ones. • Creating Email campaigns that get opened. • Understanding how your students may already be using mobile marketing and QR codes.
Speaker(s): Martin Brossman
Contact: Angelita Renken (910) 755-8084 Brunswick CC 2050 Enterprise Blvd. Leland, NC 28451
Fee: $ 25.00
Please contact Kim Wiggs Gamlin for payment details