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Your Restaurant & Mobile Food Unit Permitting Process With Your Local Health Department

Tue, Apr 9 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

This event is recommended before you purchase a restaurant or mobile food unit (e.g., truck, cart, stand, or trailer) as it will highlight permitting options and condition requirements for small business owners in the food industry. A step-by-step process will be provided that covers everything from the plan review (e.g., floor plan drawings, equipment needs, menu review, etc.) to operating permits. Basic sanitation and the inspection process will be highlighted to help you be prepared. Will the commissary that you are considering be allowed and, if so, under what conditions?

Register by: 9:00 PM April 8

Speaker(s): DeEtt Taylor, Wilson County Health Department


Fee: No Cost

Phone: 252-246-1209


Wilson Community College
Lee Technology Center - Building R - Room R161
4815A Ward Blvd. Wilson, NC 27893