Strategic Planning: What Could and Should Be in the Final Written Document - Online
Are you ready to draft a written strategic plan but wonder “How do we narrow down all these ideas into one document?” This workshop helps business leaders understand the three questions every well-crafted strategic plan should answer. Take-Aways: • Learn the three questions every well-crafted strategic plan should answer • Walk away with a content checklist for a written strategic plan • Clarify content order and formatting tips • Gain tips on how to facilitate strategic planning conversations in ways that make capturing the content in writing easier • Access a variety of free tools and templates to simplify the strategic planning drafting process
Speaker(s): Marie Palacios, Funding for Good Inc.
Wilkes Community College is an ADA compliant institution. WCC does not discriminate based on a disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services, and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements. WCC will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. If you need accommodations please contact the Director of Disability, Inclusion, & Diversity, Renee Macemore, at 336-838-6560 or or the Director of the Small Business Center, Laurie Brintle-Jarvis at 336-838-6166 or at least a week in advance prior to starting a program, service, and/or activity.
Fee: No Cost