Put Yourself In Your Marketing - Online
Customers do business with people that they know, like, and trust. Learn how to put yourself and your personality out there to get known, be liked, and earn trust. Commercial photographer and marketing expert Bob Mackowski has built his business around this concept, and he’ll teach about writing styles, vulnerability, photo usage, and more.
Speaker(s): Bob Mackowski, Open Aperture Photography
Wilkes Community College is an ADA compliant institution. WCC does not discriminate based on a disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services, and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements. WCC will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. If you need accommodations please contact the Director of Disability, Inclusion, & Diversity, Renee Macemore, at 336-838-6560 or rmmacemore052@wilkescc.edu or the Director of the Small Business Center, Laurie Brintle-Jarvis at 336-838-6166 or lsbrintle336@wilkescc.edu at least a week in advance prior to starting a program, service, and/or activity.
Fee: No Cost