Be Free from Debts Hold; Prepare for a Bank Business Loan (in-person)
Have you ever thought of being your own boss and starting a small business?
Perhaps you have another dream but your debt is out of control and preventing your dream from becoming a reality.
Now is the time to learn how to “Be Free from Debt’s Hold…..”
How would you like to pay off all your consumer debt, credit cards, car payments, and loans? How would you like to know the exact month and year you could be out of debt, legally and without a tax liability? Now is the time to start living a better life; a life without debt. In this three-hour seminar, you will learn a simple yet effective method to start the process of making yourself debt free! You will also learn about the shams and “quick fixes” that should be avoided and how to properly and legally deal with creditors.
Bring a list of your debts with balances and monthly payments and learn how to develop your own debt elimination plan that can be implemented immediately into your lifestyle. You will learn how to control debt, instead of allowing debt to control you! Before you apply for a business loan, consider making that next large purchase or accept a new credit card, take the time to attend this life-changing seminar. Bring a calculator! “The Worse Place You Can Ever Live Is Beyond Your Means!”
Speaker(s): Bob Moore
Fee: No Cost