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Start a Business Summit

Fri, May 17 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Topic: Business Basics

9:00-9:15- Registration

9:15- Welcome and Introductions

Session 1: 9:30-10:45

Opening Session 1: How to Get Your Business Started (everyone attends together)

Thinking of starting a business? If so, you need to equip yourself with as much knowledge as possible. Starting a business can be a challenge but with the right guidance and knowing what resources are available, you will increase your chance of success.

Sessions 2 and 3: 11:00-12:15 (Participants have a choice and select the session to attend they are most interested in)

Session 2: How to Find Money to Get Your Business Started

Finding the money to start your business or keeping it moving is always a challenge, but this session will help you know what to expect and be better prepared. You will get an overview of the lending process and how to make it work for you. Discussion will cover what lenders look for and expect with regards to your personal credit, cash flow coverage, collateral requirements, capital injection and character.

Session 3: How to Track Expenses and Stay Legal

Keeping track of income and expenses, budgeting and paying taxes admittedly doesn’t sound like much fun for a busy and creative entrepreneur, but it is without a doubt critically important to your long-term success. Stay on top of these things by knowing what you need to keep track of and how to do it.

LUNCH- 12:15-12:45

Session 4: 12:45-2:00

Group Session 4: How to Know If You’re Ready to Own a Business (everyone attends together)

There are lots of pros and cons to being an entrepreneur. Have you given it much thought? Should you be an entrepreneur? This session will help you think through all the different angles you should consider when deciding whether business ownership is right for you. You will gain insight into self-assessment tools and get valuable information on what it really takes to be an entrepreneur. Also learn about resources available that will be invaluable assets to you as you begin the journey to business ownership.

Sessions 5 and 6: 2:15-3:30 (Participants have a choice and select the session to attend they are most interested in)

Session 5: How to Write a Business Plan

Success in business begins with a plan. By committing your idea to paper, you face tough questions and identify strengths and weaknesses. Business plans are not just for financing purposes; they are working documents to guide your business. For new and established business owners, this seminar will start you down the path of small business success.

Session 6: How to Find Customers and Keep Them

Finding customers and keeping them over time is more challenging than ever. Discover more about who your customers really are and what they are looking for, and then learn how to communicate with them in a language they understand. Explore the many marketing tools available and gain insights to understand which ones might work best for your business.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 828-837-1203


Tri-County Community College - Main Campus
Enloe Building
21 Campus Circle Murphy, NC 28906