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Selling at a Festival/Farmer's Market

Tue, Apr 2 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

Most small business owners don't spend a lot of time thinking about their booth for a festival, farmers market or conference, and they're missing out on sales and meaningful opportunities as a result. This session is for anyone who might have a table or booth at an upcoming live gathering, and is looking at some quick ways to up-level what's displayed and discussed. We will discuss easy booth upgrades that will attract more foot traffic, re-design your customer experience in a way that will increase your sales, and share some quick marketing strategies that will help turn new shopper into your longtime supporters. Key Learning Points: • Upgrading your farmers market/event booth in a way that attracts more customers • Re-thinking your customer experience at the booth to increase your sales • Marketing strategies to turn new shoppers into your longtime customers • What's next: tips to continue the momentum after a your demo

Speaker(s): Jill Willet


Fee: No Cost

Phone: 704-216-3534