How to Increase Your Credit Score to Over 740 Points; Prepare for a Business Loan!
Have you checked your credit score recently? If not, do not be surprised if you are like millions of Americans who have discovered that their score is now lower, even as much as 100 points lower. One young man recently discovered that his score had dropped 41 points despite the fact that he had not made a late payment in over 12 years, he had maintained an extremely low utilization of his revolving credit, and he had not acquired any new credit in over a year. So, he, like many of you, was left wondering why? Whereas the major factors used in determining our credit scores have not changed, the formula or method for determining your score does change frequently. These changes as well as the "basics" and many legal "tricks" on "How to Increase Your Credit Score to Over 740 Points" are revealed in this informative presentation by Bob Moore. Other items discussed include how many credit cards you should have and the proper way to use these cards, what to do with credit cards you have had for a long time but you no longer use, how to read and understand credit reports, how to obtain your credit reports and scores without paying for them, and the factors that are used in calculating our FICO, Beacon, or Vantage scores. You will learn how to raise your score simply by the way you use your credit cards, treat inquiries, make your payments, and carry balances. Using several proven methods, your credit score could increase by 50-100 points or more within 60 days. Make plans to attend now!
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