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Cash Flow Scenario (Online)

Thu 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Topic: Cash Flow Management

Calling all current and prospective small business owners! Thinking of starting a business but having trouble creating financial projections? Or, are you currently in business but wondering “Where has my money gone?”. A Cash Flow statement can help you project expenditures and/or identify the financial highs and lows of your business. You don’t want to miss this session where we will explore how a Cash Flow statement can be a game-changer for your business!

For this webinar, there is a two-step registration process. Please click "Continue" and fill out the name and email information in Zoom. Meeting and access information for this webinar will be available upon completing registration. We highly recommended logging-in to this meeting at least ten minutes prior to the start time.

If you have any questions before the seminar, contact Deborah Morgan 910-410-1970

Fee: No Cost

Already Registered? Sign in for more information.
Phone: 910-410-1687


Richmond CC SBC Online
1042 W. Hamlet Ave. Hamlet NC 28345