Heir and Wills Property Clinic, Pamlico County
Sat, May 11 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Topic: Tax Planning
Heir and Wills Property Clinic, Pamlico County
This is an in-person event at the Small Business Center in Bayboro, NC
The presentation will be presented by Daniel DiMaria, a staff attorney with the Disaster Relief Project at Legal Aid of North Carolina. Assisting Daniel will be one of Legal Aid's paralegals to do on-site eligibility screening for potential clients that might be interest in our services.
Daniel will discuss what heir property is and the issues that might occur with a person who is an heir. He will also discuss the different end-of-life documents that can be prepared for eligible clients that meet Legal Aid's qualifications. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Deborah Hickman at DeborahP@legalaidnc.org
Fee: No Cost
Phone: 252-670-2468
Email: kshorter@pamlicocc.edu
Pamlico Community College Small Business Center
Bayboro Center
Park in back and Enter in back of building
701 Main St.
Bayboro, NC 28515
Main campus/Brinson Bldg~~Room 425