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Prepare Your Business to Borrow Money Now Before Negative Economic Shifts

Tue 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM

Incidents like a Coronavirus outbreak can strain a small business's financial capacity to make payroll, maintain inventory and respond to sudden drops in demand. Businesses should prepare by exploring capital access options so that the money is there when it’s needed. Early communication with lenders can present financing opportunities even if they don’t need to be taken advantage of until later. Lines of Credit, SBA Disaster Assistance Loans, and small business loans can all be considerations. Find more information on what paperwork is required and how to begin getting your affairs in order today so that you will be prepared to access the funding you may need tomorrow.

Speaker(s): Tonya Snider, TenBiz, Inc.

Pre-registration is required. After registering you will be redirected to the Zoom platform where you will sign up and receive the link to the webinar. You will receive a reminder 1 day before and 1 hour prior to the start of the program. Please use the same name and email that you used to register with the SBCN.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 252-451-8344