The Best Small Business to Start Right Now
Believe it or not – even in today’s uncertain marketplace – this may be one of the best times in decades to start a small business. Competitors are hard-hit, resources are cheaper, and good people aren’t hard to find. What would be the best small business for YOU to start right now? Would a business bring in extra income or provide a job? The Best Small Business to Start Right Now! Can help you answer that question. This session will focus on four areas: - How to create a business idea that fits you - Businesses you can start for under $100 - “Hot” businesses that will grow in coming years. The program will list over 30 types of businesses with growth potential - 5 easy-to-use steps to starting a business If you think the time is right for you to start a business – you’re right! The Best Small Business to Start Right Now! will help you get started in the right way.
Speaker(s): Mike Collins
Fee: No Cost