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Seal The Deal: How to Score Your First Sale

Fri 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

"Seal The Deal: How to Score Your First Sales" is a training session tailored for new small businesses, side-hustlers, entrepreneurs launching their ventures, and those with passion projects they wish to share with the world. This engaging workshop provides participants with valuable tactics for achieving sales success, covering both face-to-face and E-commerce online sales strategies. Participants will learn how to generate leads, build a sales pipeline, utilize a sales funnel, and create customer journeys. The training will also explore effective discounting and incentivization techniques, emphasize the importance of qualifying prospects so they can close more deals and make more sales.

Speaker(s): Lyfe Wurks - Jacinta Walker


Fee: No Cost

Phone: 919-536-7241 x4502


Durham Tech Small Business Center
The Chesterfield Building
Suite 203
701 West Main Street, Ste 203 Durham NC 27701