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Empowering Small Businesses: Intro to AI - Online

Tue 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Topic: Managing a Business

Fun, easy-to-follow class led by finance expert Frank Del Villar, CFA, tailored for entrepreneurs looking to leverage Artificial Intelligence to enhance their operations and accelerate growth. This course demystifies AI, offering accessible, practical tools and strategies to integrate into your business model. Ideal for underserved entrepreneurs seeking to innovate, this class emphasizes the strategic application of AI to drive efficiency and competitive advantage, ensuring participants leave ready to implement AI solutions effectively. Bio Frank Del Villar, CFA, is a distinguished finance and real estate expert with a strong focus on economic justice and small business support. His leadership in underwriting over $840 million in loans and developing innovative financial products demonstrates a keen ability to blend commercial success with meaningful community development. As an educator and advocate for equitable access to capital and leveraging the latest Ai tools for small businesses operations, Frank empowers entrepreneurs with strategic insights for growth and success, making him an essential asset to initiatives aiming for a significant community and economic impact.

Speaker(s): Frank Del Villar, CFA


Wilkes Community College is an ADA compliant institution. WCC does not discriminate based on a disability in the admissions process or in access to its programs, services, and/or activities for qualified individuals who meet eligibility requirements. WCC will provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. If you need accommodations please contact the Director of Disability, Inclusion, & Diversity, Renee Macemore, at 336-838-6560 or or the Director of the Small Business Center, Laurie Brintle-Jarvis at 336-838-6166 or at least a week in advance prior to starting a program, service, and/or activity.

Fee: No Cost