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Planning, Starting And Growing Your Business

Mon 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

**NEW** “Planning, Starting and Growing Your Business” (FREE) In a thriving economy, ANYONE can succeed……..right? Can you make a living by operating a new or existing business? Have Americans quit shopping in brick and mortar stores? How do you successfully compete with franchised or established businesses? What happens when the current “pro-business” administration is replaced? Tim Dannelly, author of Selling the American Dream, believes effective planning, execution and marketing are involved in all successful businesses. If you are serious about building your own successful business, attend this seminar and learn how to: • Plan long • Think and function like a big business • Impact your market everyday Now is a great time to start and grow a business! Tim Dannelly believes your new business CAN succeed and thrive! Reserve your seat now and get the greatest return from your business. Please register for this seminar by following the instructions on page 21. If you do not have Internet access, call 910-272-3631 to register. Walk-ins are welcome as space allows. M 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm 09/24/18 WDC Tim Dannelly

Speaker(s): Tim Dannelly

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 910-272-3631


Robeson Community College Small Business Center
Workforce Development Center, Building 18
5160 Fayetteville Road, Lumberton, NC 28358