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Downtown After Five for Small Business and Entrepreneurs (ONLINE)

Tue 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

We’ve heard all the different challenges from business owners! Most of them fall into one of these three categories:

-People say they want us to be open evenings so we tried later hours a few times, but no one came!

-People come downtown for special events but they don’t shop

-I don’t want to work more hours, and hiring for evenings is hard

Deb Brown of SaveYourTown will address these issues, and touch on downtown after 5 during a pandemic.

Restoring Rural Business Series is sponsored by Rural LISC. logo


Deb is the cofounder of SaveYour.Town and spends many days in small towns around the world. Her expertise in filling empty buildings, marketing in a small town and the Idea Friendly Method for economic development is changing the landscape for many towns. A wealth of experience includes foreign casualty insurance underwriting, bartending, managing internet stores and luggage stores, selling knives, leading a chamber and working with small towns. Deb has lived in tiny towns, small towns, small cities and a major metro city. Yet, she’s come home to a small town and travels to many others to help.

Speaker(s): Deb Brown

Co-Sponsor(s): Rural LISC

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 910-410-1687


Richmond CC SBC Online
1042 W. Hamlet Ave. Hamlet NC 28345