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Take Photos Like a Pro to Get More Business with your Social Media

Tue 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

The explosion of Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram has proven that photography is a powerful tool to market your business. Photography for Social Media is one of the best ways to get more engagement from you customers and greater sales. This seminar will cover: *Basics of digital photography to attract more customers with your social media and web marketing. *Techniques for using photos to be found on the Web

Speaker(s): Martin Brossman

Walk-ins welcome but pre-registration is preferred. Please pre-register no later than 5 PM on January 12th, 2015.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 910.410.1687


Cole Auditorium
Richmond Community College Cole Auditorium
1042 W. Hamlet Avenue Hamlet, NC 28345