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Uwharrie Farm School: Intro to Business Operations- Online

Mon 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Uwharrie Farm School is pleased to be offering its FIRST, eight-week agribusiness training for farmers - bringing all your resources together in one place! Turn your interest in growing vegetables, fruits, herbs, other crops and livestock into a sustainable agriculture-based business. This practical hands-on approach gives you the skills needed to create and strengthen a successful business venture. In addition, you will also be introduced to resources and contacts you need to run your business more efficiently and effectively. This seminar will help participants be specific and detailed about the "meat and potatoes" of their business-how it will be run to serve customers effectively and how it will be organized to operate efficiently and profitably. We will have experts on business legal structure and other legal requirements.

Speaker(s): tenBiz

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 910-898-9682