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Developing or Revising Bylaws for Your Non-Profit Corporation

Thu 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Topic: Nonprofit

Bylaws are a document outlining the self-imposed rules that will regulate an organization's own actions. Since it is a required element when forming a corporation, bylaws are a form of agreement or contract between the corporation and its owners to conduct itself in a certain manner. This seminar will offer participants: * 10 Most Common Nonprofit Bylaw Pitfalls: How to Avoid the Traps. * Required provisions normally included in Nonprofit Bylaws Keep in mind that when starting a Nonprofit business, the organization does not formally exist until the bylaws have been approved by the governing body of the organization. Pre-registration required for all attendees. MUST be 18 or older to attend. Registration ends at 12:00 pm the day of the seminar.

Fee: No Cost