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Facebook Advertising for Your Business

Wed 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

Jim Fuhs, President and COO of Fuhsion Marketing, has over 28 years of experience in Business and Consulting and is passionate about exceeding your expectations and is coming to Craven County! Jim Fuhs will instruct you about the Know, Like and Trust cycle of customer buying. Difference between boosting a post and creating an ad. Installing and using the Facebook Pixel. Buyer personas and creating Facebook audiences. This FREE seminar is in collaboration with the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce. Open to the public.

Speaker(s): Jim Fuhs, Fuhsion Marketing

Co-Sponsor(s): New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 252-638-1166


Craven Community College
Bosch Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) Building, Room 102
800 College Court New Bern, NC 28562