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Emotional Intelligence for Business Success 1 (Online)

Thu 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Topic: Disaster Mitigation

The business world is full of unexpected surprises and those who learn to use their Emotional Intelligence to navigate through them have been known to have long-term success. This workshop is designed to increase your self-awareness in your role as an entrepreneur, improve your ability to communicate under pressure and help you focus on solutions to bounce back more quickly. You will learn to recognize the emotions of others and use that data to respond, rather than react under pressure.

Speaker(s): Mic Alexander, Image Wealth Management

Pre-registration required Register to attend online only at this time Online Web Ex registrants will be emailed the access information 24 hours before the training seminar. Please call 704-330-6736 for technical issues Meeting number (access code): 313 936 515 Meeting password: sbcn2020

Fee: No Cost