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Forsyth Tech Small Business Center

525@Vine - Innovation Quarter
Winston Salem
Phone: 336-757-3810

Please note that the statewide Small Business Center Network is offering business resource partner webinars in addition to the seminars and webinars that the Forsyth Tech SBC will continue to offer.  These key topics include taxes, trademarks, state registration and more!  Visit the following link to see the many offerings starting in July.

The objective of the Small Business Center Network is to help small businesses succeed by providing high quality, readily accessible assistance to prospective and existing business owners.  For more information and access to numerous resources, visit Small Business Center at Forsyth Tech.


Directions to Forsyth Tech at Innovation Quarter
Staff:  Martha Larson, Director | Nell Perry, Program Coordinator

Please register for our confidential counseling and educational events below:

Online Request for Counseling


Please note the following:
1. Educational events will be available for registration at least three weeks prior to the event dates.  For example, interested persons may register for January events in December.
2. Dates and times of educational events may be updated.  Information on this website is correct.
3. Please join our email newsletter distribution list by clicking on the blue button on the Forsyth Tech website...

Marketing and Sales


Tue, Mar 18 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Online Facilitated by Forsyth Tech Small Business Center


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Forsyth Tech Small Business Center
525@Vine - Innovation Quarter
525 Vine Street Winston Salem, NC 27101