Alamance Community College Small Business Center
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Looking to increase sales and profits in your business? Wanting to expand your current operations to multiple locations? Considering launching the new enterprise you have wanted to pursue for years? Wondering whether to purchase that existing business now on the market? Contact the Small business Center at Alamance Community college for direction, education and professional counseling. The Small Business Center is part of the statewide Small Business Center Network (SBCN). Funded through our local community college system, the Small Business Center’s Mission is to support the viability and growth of existing small business and to foster the creation of sustainable new enterprise. The result enhances economic development in Alamance County. This mission is accomplished by offering high quality support to small business owners and to all who are serious and determined about the creation of new business enterprise.
We invite you to utilize our wide array of small business
resources that are proven to guide entrepreneurs in the successful development,
growth and harvesting of profitable businesses.
The Dillingham Center
1304 Plaza Drive
Burlington North Carolina, 27215
Web Site: Small
Business Center, Alamance Community College
Phydesia Lewis, Director (336)
“We Collaborate With You for Small Business Success TODAY!”
Online Request for Counseling