SBCN Disaster Relief - Florence
Dear Small Business Center Network Client,
In the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, we realize that many businesses are experiencing a number of devastating setbacks, both business and personal. The recovery process may take months or even years, as North Carolinians assess their damages and begin the long road to overcoming this natural disaster. As a business owner, it will be necessary to learn about the resources available to support the financial and physical losses and begin the journey of determining options and strategies to move forward. As you deal with physical damages, lost revenues, staffing issues, and a host of other disaster-related issues, the Small Business Center Network is ready to assist. Our experienced business counselors can assist North Carolina’s business owners and farmers with:
- General business counseling and assessment of the economic impact on your business
- Reconstructing the financial information for your business
- Help with SBA Loan and NC Rural Center Bridge applications
- Explore other capital resources and federal, state and local resources
- Help you build a more resilient business as you move forward
To find your local Small Business Center and complete a request for counseling, visit
The SBCN is collaborating with our strong resource partners to ensure you have the most information and resources available. These partner organizations include:
- NC Rural Center and its lending subsidiary, Thread Capital
- U.S. SBA
- North Carolina Department of Commerce
- Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina
- NC Department of Agriculture
A one-stop website has been created by the partners in order to provide the most efficient support and resource and referral information. If your business has been impacted by the hurricane, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to help navigate the many available resources and services at:
We hope this information is helpful and wish you all the best in your recovery efforts.
Anne Shaw
State Director, Small Business Center Network