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Entrepreneur Academy: Money - Credit Management and Cash Flowing a New Business

Thu, Mar 27 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Money - Credit Management and Cash Flowing a New Business

This on-line training session will open eyes for start-up entrepreneurs about the real "meat and potatoes" issues to be faced when trying to borrow money as a brand new, inexperienced small business start-up owner.

The presenter, with 60 plus years' experience has helped with over 500 new business starts; will share lots of tips, and strategies about how to get the money you'll need to start a business including fund raising, borrowing from friends and family members, angels and local banks.

Learn information all about the primary loan document: Promissory Note and so much more.

8 business basic skills training and challenge questions are included. You will find the class – Interactive Discussion – Questions – Answers - Free Study Guides. This is part of a 14-hr. course, and you are invited to join on the next two consecutive Thursday nights. Course completion, achievement, Academy graduation certificates maybe earned.

Speaker(s): Steve Carver President and CEO: CarverEquipment.Com Founder: The Academy of Entrepreneurs and Associates.


Fee: No Cost

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